Hello Peter! I just ran across your blog and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I think these discussions are very useful, especially to a beginner like myself. I've dabbled in drawing and watercolor for years, but I'm on a quest to start taking it more seriously. As it is, I'm basically using whatever materials I can afford, which means Cotman's and which work fine for my limited skill level. Our household has a tight budget, so I'm not sure if/when I would be able to graduate to artist quality paints.You know, the comments on this post are interesting and I'm having a slight bit of deja vu. I play guitar and years ago used to frequent various musician's sites but tired of the advice (too) often being given to beginning players on the message boards. Essentially many of the veteran players would convince inexperienced players that they needed thousands of dollars worth of equipment to start playing, which just isn't the case. To me "the best" isn't necessary when "good enough" is often what's practical.The expensive equipment, whether painting or playing an instrument - and I'm sure this applies to countless other hobbies, as well - while nice, often represents a reality where shopping and buying "stuff", whether needed or not, has become an integral part of the hobby. And hanging around message boards and websites with other hobbyists will often help you to decide that you need more stuff. Anyway, thanks for all the useful information!-Andy
Art Department - The Drawing Board - (2011).rar
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