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The Long Dark Carry Weight Cheat


In order to make your carry weight higher in The Long Dark, you can purchase special backpacks. These bags provide 5kg of additional carry weight and can be found in several locations. In addition, they also have the Well Fed bonus, which allows you to carry a larger quantity of food and supplies.

The Long Dark Carry Weight Cheat

Players can see the total weight of the items they are carrying on the Backpack screen from the Status game menu. This will include items they have equipped as well as those carried in the inventory. The Backpack screen truncates the amount of weight to two decimal places.

The amount of weight the character is carrying increases the rate of fatigue. Also, when fatigue reaches 50%, the carrying capacity will begin to decrease at a rate of 0.3 kg for every percent closer to 0. Encumbrance penalties apply as normal. Once the 'Exhausted' fatigue state is reached, the carry limit will be half the normal value (or 15kg). The fatigue meter is primarily restored with sleep, and, once the player has regained at least 50% of his or her fatigue, (equivalent to 6 hours of sleep) the maximum carrying capacity is restored. Coffee may also offer minor relief from a low fatigue meter.

Detrimental effects do not occur linearly relative to the amount of weight over capacity, but at thresholds of 5 kg (11 lbs). This means that a player with exactly 10 kg (22 lbs) over capacity can still sprint, but a player with 10.1 kg cannot. Same goes for slowing down or increasing sprain chances. A player with exactly 15 kg (33 lbs) over capacity can walk significantly faster than a player with 15.01 kg. Being aware of these thresholds is important to properly select the amount of loot you can carry.

Unlimited Weight seems to be working, but I did notice that my carry weight is slowly creeping up to my max weight (currently 74.95 of 77). Not sure if this will begin to encumber me once I surpass 77. Also, would it be possible to still display item weights (everything is 0.00lbs now)? Thanks.

When you have a cheat day, chances are, you're eating over your BMR, which means if you keep this up, you'll start gaining weight. However, just one cheat day won't completely throw your diet off track and it doesn't necessarily mean you'll gain weight.

3,500 calories equal 1 pound, so you'd have to overeat by 3,500 calories in one night to gain that pound. So long as you work hard and stick to your diet plan, you should be able to recover from your cheat day.

By understanding the basics of weight gain (as well as maintenance and loss), you now have a grasp on what triggers fluctuations in weight. Now, we can move onto some effective ways you can get over your cheat day and ensure you stay fit.

As we've said above, to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit; to maintain it, you need to eat the same amount needed for your BMR. When you have a cheat day, you have an excess of calories, so you need to burn them off.

The amount of extra activity you'll need to do will depend on how big of a cheat day it was. For instance, if you ate 1,800 instead of 1,600 calories, you won't need to do much to make up for it. However, if you ate 3,000+ instead of 1,200, then you'll have to put in a little bit of elbow grease for the next few days to ensure you don't gain any weight and keep losing it instead.

Chances are, you've eaten some sugary or fatty, greasy, and salty foods for your cheat day. These unhealthy foods can cause your body to hold onto more water weight than normal, which will push that need on your scale higher.

While starving yourself long-term is never a good idea, fasting can actually be great for your health. A good time to fast would be after a cheat day, when you've ingested extra calories and other toxins.

A great way to combat this is to pack in the protein. Not only do proteins make you feel fuller for longer, but they also keep you energized so you can carry on with your day without feeling beat down.

For many people, this "season of wonder" includes wondering if you can cheat on a healthy diet. How much can you indulge in rich, salty, or sugary holiday cuisine without risking weight gain, heart and blood pressure problems, or high blood sugar?

You might overdo a cheat meal. We know for sure that a regular diet that's unhealthy can, over time, increase your long-term risk of developing heart disease. But it may also be true that a big, unhealthy meal can cause immediate risks. Let's say you binge on a juicy steak, mashed potatoes, and a hot fudge sundae. That rich meal contains 47 grams of saturated fat, 32 grams of mostly added sugars, 1,330 calories, 70 grams of carbohydrates, and 2,555 mg of sodium.

Carry that idea through to January and then each month after that. Don't bargain with yourself; try to maintain an even style of healthy eating, with occasional cheating on your diet. You'll wind up feeling satisfied that you get to enjoy the foods you love, and you may have more success maintaining your weight goals.

This increase in metabolism can last for days after your body digests a cheat meal, thus offsetting the drop in hormones that occurs when the calorie-deficit diet is again resumed. As a result, a scheduled cheat meal can actually help optimize our body's hormones to avoid weight-loss plateaus and prevent it from entering starvation mode. That's right, a well-rounded cheat can help you break through weight-loss plateaus!

Now it is time to map these categories to the various super fun, lightweight, and awesome doodads we carry on the Gossamer Gear site, of course! We partner with some other great brands that share our vision to allow our site to be a one-stop shop for all of your hiking and backpacking needs. 2ff7e9595c

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